Friday, September 27, 2013

Practical & visual display of match results has a lot of great features, like total control over who sees your profile pictures, remaining anonymous until you decide to show your pictures, and being matched in 10 practical areas, etc. One that makes PersonalityMatch very practical is how your match results are displayed. Your match results are displayed in an easy-to-read visual fashion, which lets you quickly see how well and uniquely you match each person. You see the overall match rate at the top left, then the three areas where you match most, and then how you match in all the other areas, in order of match rate from highest to lowest.

So, there is no profile picture displayed but instead you can quickly get a solid idea of how much, and what, you have in common with each match. When you click on any of your matches, you get even more information about how exactly you match that person. For example; the results page might say you match 70% in the Entertainment category. When you click on that match and go to their profile page, you will also get to see further details, like; "You both like detective shows" or "You both see about 4 movies a month" or "You both like alternative rock". On this profile page you will also get to see the person's age, and be able to read some of what they wrote about themselves.

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